Wiser Technology Advice

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Trusted, independent procurement advice

The world of information technology can be complex and overwhelming. Procurement of information technology is a journey that needs wise advice to be navigated safely.

At Wiser Technology Advice we guide you through the journey by following these stages of procurement:

  1. Requirements analysis.
    Wiser Technology Advice facilitates a workshop and documents your requirements. Is a new system needed and if so what type of system and what is required of the software? We require operational staff at this workshop to ensure a good understanding of the business needs and to bring people along on the journey of change.
  2. Vendor selection.
    Wiser Technology Advice is your liaison with vendors, managing the process of finding software that meets your needs, comparing vendor experience and service and comparing the total cost of ownership of each alternative.
  3. Project Governance.
    You work closely with the vendor to ensure the implementation is achieved in a timely fashion and your data is correctly migrated into the new system. We provide ongoing advice through membership in a project steering committee.
  4. Acceptance testing.
    Wiser Technology Advice acts as your liaison with the vendor to conduct acceptance testing. Does the software implemented by the vendor meet the requirements they said it would fulfil in their tender response?

Member of the SA Procurement Panel

Wiser Technology Advice is an approved member of the Procurement Services Panel.This is in addition to our existing membership of the eProjects Panel and the Low Risk ICT Projects Panel.

This means it’s easy and convenient for South Australian government agencies to engage our services as a trusted, independent advisor. Acceptance onto these government panels gives you assurance that Wiser Technology Advice is recognised by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet as a trusted, independent advisor.

The Procurement Services Panel is a facility to enable Agencies to access a range of procurement services from pre-qualified suppliers using a standardised contract and related processes.

A broad range of services

The broad range of services Wiser Technology Advice is able to provide you includes:

  • Requirements analysis
  • Business process mapping
  • Technology architecture diagrams
  • Technology solution analysis
  • Vendor selection and review
  • Acceptance testing assistance
  • Business case development
  • Technology planning and strategy development
  • Technology risk assessment and analysis

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Want to know more? To book an initial no obligation meeting with Sonya, get in touch> with us today.

“Sonya provided very good independent assessor perspective and commentary, which was an essential part of the evaluation process. Four star rating - would recommend.”
RevenueSA, December 2016

Get in touch

Do you need professional advice, but don't know who to trust? Do you feel overwhelmed by the complex and technical world of information technology? Wiser Technology Advice is here to help with wise, independent advice on planning and procuring technology.

Get in touch today to learn more about Wiser Technology Advice.

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