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A precautionary tale about technology vendors

Technology projects can be transformative or disastrous for businesses. Unfortunately, there are some technology vendors that do not do the right thing by their customers, being more interested in the money they will make than in the best outcome for their customers. Whilst these unscrupulous technology vendors are thankfully in the minority, they can cause major headaches for small business owners. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    14 October 2021

best practice,procurement,success

Demystifying strategic technology planning

Understanding your needs for information technology can appear to be an overwhelming problem, with so many complex and inter-related moving parts that you don’t know where to start. But there is a way to break this down into manageable pieces of the puzzle that demystify your information technology needs. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    14 May 2021

best practice,future,strategic planning,success,technology

Technology trends for 2021 and beyond

One thing no-one saw coming for 2020 was the massive need for working from home, online meetings and video calls during the lock downs. What a sad and lovely place the world would be without modern telecommunication! Read more...

Sonya Weiser    24 January 2021

business continuity,change,future,success,trends,strategic planning,technology

Dollars from data

If you're not analysing all of your data, you miss opportunities for insights to drive cost and time reduction, new product development, optimised offerings and smarter decision making. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    05 August 2019

innovation,technology,trends,success,business process mapping,data flows,data

What it takes to make it in the ever changing realm of technology

Earlier this year I was interviewed by Megan Hayward, of the University of Adelaide's MBA Alumni Association. Megan talked with me about my 30 years of experience as a technology specialist, the challenges of a rapidly changing market place, my path to business ownership with Wiser Technology Advice and what it takes to make it in the ever changing tech industry. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    11 April 2019


Value and protect your information

We face the challenge of needing to share ideas for the advancement of science and entrepreneurship whilst needing to communicate securely to protect your information. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    09 March 2019

cloud computing,hackers,attacks,technology,strategic planning,online,communication,compliance,best practice,success,history

A new era in wise, independent advice

2019 is going to be the start of an exciting new era for me. I'm going to concentrate all my efforts on providing wise, independent technology advice under a new business name, Wiser Technology Advice. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    11 January 2019

change,innovation,technology,strategic planning,success,history

Are you processes working for or against your business?

If your processes are inefficient and clumsy, spending money on new technology alone cannot fix the problems. You must address the problems with the processes first, then consider how information systems can help automate the processes. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    17 November 2018

process,business continuity,technology,best practice,success,business process mapping

Once upon a time in the 21st century

For my final trip down memory lane, I'm going to have a look back at how technology has changed in the 21st century. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    26 October 2018

digital disruption,change,innovation,technology,trends,strategic planning,online,communication,success,driverless,NBN,history

Once upon a time I helped save the world

Let's go for a trip down memory lane through the 1990s, the decade when the World Wide Web first started to change our lives. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    24 September 2018

change,innovation,technology,trends,online,communication,success,mobile technology,history

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