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Posts about aged care

Technology for care providers - ITAC 2024

Aged and community care providers face many challenges which may be overcome by smart use of technology. In this blog post I provide insights into overcoming these challenges from the ITAC 2024 conference. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    07 April 2024

artificial intelligence,automated,innovation,technology,strategic planning,aged care,best practice,change,future,care providers

Technology for Aged Care

There are fantastic opportunities for technology to provide connections and support in our modern world. But the aged care industry is risk averse, fears change and is reluctant to embrace technology. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    18 August 2022

aged care,best practice,change,innovation,strategic planning,technology

Welcome to 2018

In this blog post we explore what's in store for 2018 and our technology trend predictions. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    29 January 2018

cloud computing,digital disruption,change,innovation,technology,strategic planning,online,communication,best practice,driverless,automated,aged care,mobile technology,NBN

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