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Posts about compliance

Value and protect your information

We face the challenge of needing to share ideas for the advancement of science and entrepreneurship whilst needing to communicate securely to protect your information. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    09 March 2019

cloud computing,hackers,attacks,technology,strategic planning,online,communication,compliance,best practice,success,history

Are you getting what you need from your Information Technology?

You know there is value in Information Technology systems, but you haven't proceeded with new initiatives because you're concerned the result won't be effective or that the project cost or resource requirements could blow-out. Learn how to capture and communicate your requirements to make your IT initiatives a success. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    22 May 2018

cloud computing,procurement,due diligence,process,business continuity,digital disruption,change,innovation,technology,trends,strategic planning,workshops,online,failure,compliance,best practice,success,business process mapping,automated,mobile technology

Avoiding online failures

How good is your website? Does it meet your customers' needs? Could it fail as badly as the 2016 online census? Read our latest blog post to learn how to avoid online failures! Read more...

Sonya Weiser    16 August 2016

process,technology,online,website,communication,failure,PCI,WCAG,census,compliance,best practice,success,business process mapping

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