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Technology for care providers - ITAC 2024

Aged and community care providers face many challenges which may be overcome by smart use of technology. In this blog post I provide insights into overcoming these challenges from the ITAC 2024 conference. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    07 April 2024

artificial intelligence,automated,innovation,technology,strategic planning,aged care,best practice,change,future,care providers

Technology Trends for 2024

In this blog post I provide my annual look at the year ahead and what I’m predicting for trends in technology. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    30 January 2024

artificial intelligence,automated,innovation,trends,technology,strategic planning

Navigating the frontier of generative AI

Generative AI is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. However, as with any new technology, there are both risks and rewards associated with its use. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    10 December 2023

artificial intelligence,future,innovation,trends

Women in Technology

There have been some amazing women working in technology, but the number of women in the workforce in technology is low, it remains a male-dominated field. What can we do to encourage more amazing women to have careers in technology in the future? Read more...

Sonya Weiser    20 March 2023


Quantum Computing in 2022

Quantum computing has been discussed and explored for many years. Is it getting close to a commercial reality? Read more...

Sonya Weiser    13 September 2022


Technology for Aged Care

There are fantastic opportunities for technology to provide connections and support in our modern world. But the aged care industry is risk averse, fears change and is reluctant to embrace technology. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    18 August 2022

aged care,best practice,change,innovation,strategic planning,technology

NFTs, blockchain and the metaverse

There’s been a few stories published in the news over the last few weeks about artists using NFTs. So, what exactly are NFTs and what does it mean for you? Read more...

Sonya Weiser    31 March 2022

blockchain,digital disruption,future,innovation,trends

Technology Trends for 2022

Here’s what I’m predicting to be the trends for 2022. You’ll notice that I’ve only considered short-term trends this year, because if there’s one thing the pandemic has taught me it’s not to bother looking too far into the future Read more...

Sonya Weiser    17 January 2022


Business intelligence in the palm of your hand

How can we get value from the masses of data captured by intelligent devices and created during day-to-day operation of businesses? These days there are some great tools available that can analyse data and provide intelligent insights into your business – known as business intelligence reporting systems. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    28 July 2021

business intelligence,data,innovation,internet of things,strategic planning

Flying cars are here and (nearly) ready to race

Flying cars are here and a South Australian company has developed a prototype that’s (nearly) ready to race. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    02 July 2021

drones,future,innovation,flying cars

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