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Posts about drones

Flying cars are here and (nearly) ready to race

Flying cars are here and a South Australian company has developed a prototype that’s (nearly) ready to race. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    02 July 2021

drones,future,innovation,flying cars

Blockchain is transformative technology

Blockchain is a transformative technology which is starting to be adopted by entrepreneurial businesses and has the potential to transform the way we do business in the future. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    10 May 2019

digital disruption,change,innovation,technology,trends,drones,history,blockchain

Driverless vehicles - the future is here!

2017 started with a flurry of stories hitting the news about driverless vehicles. There have been many driverless cars being developed over the past few years, and there is even a driverless passenger drone project underway in China! Read more...

Sonya Weiser    18 January 2017

cloud computing,hackers,attacks,digital disruption,innovation,technology,trends,communication,driverless,automated,drones

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