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Technology & Innovation of the Future

The metaverse, web3 and blockchain has been hyped for years now, so will we be working in a metaverse soon? And how should we measure our performance now and into the future? Read more...

Sonya Weiser    01 December 2022


Quantum Computing in 2022

Quantum computing has been discussed and explored for many years. Is it getting close to a commercial reality? Read more...

Sonya Weiser    13 September 2022


Technology for Aged Care

There are fantastic opportunities for technology to provide connections and support in our modern world. But the aged care industry is risk averse, fears change and is reluctant to embrace technology. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    18 August 2022

aged care,best practice,change,innovation,strategic planning,technology

The Internet of Things in 2022

The Internet of Things (IoT) promises great opportunities and the potential for every electronic device and computer in the world to be connected. IoT is well established in the world of consumer electronics, with many devices such as smart watches, internet televisions and robot vacuum cleaners all able to be connected and controlled through mobile devices. But the Australian business community is lagging behind and not taking full advantage of IoT. Why is this? Read more...

Sonya Weiser    27 June 2022

edge computing,future,internet of things,mobile technology,NBN,trends

Technology planning for not-for-profits

In this blog post I’ll share some of my key takeaways from the conference master class and keynote speakers of the Connecting Up 2022 conference and expo. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    23 May 2022

best practice,governance,strategic planning,technology

Case Study: Can:Do Group CRM

Wiser Technology Advice was approached by the Can:Do Group to procure a new customer management system. Here’s a summary of what we did to help. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    05 May 2022


NFTs, blockchain and the metaverse

There’s been a few stories published in the news over the last few weeks about artists using NFTs. So, what exactly are NFTs and what does it mean for you? Read more...

Sonya Weiser    31 March 2022

blockchain,digital disruption,future,innovation,trends

Technology Trends for 2022

Here’s what I’m predicting to be the trends for 2022. You’ll notice that I’ve only considered short-term trends this year, because if there’s one thing the pandemic has taught me it’s not to bother looking too far into the future Read more...

Sonya Weiser    17 January 2022


Oversight of technology projects by boards

Technology projects can be transformative or disastrous for businesses. When should the board of directors have oversight of a technology project? Read more...

Sonya Weiser    11 November 2021

best practice,procurement,due diligence,governance

A precautionary tale about technology vendors

Technology projects can be transformative or disastrous for businesses. Unfortunately, there are some technology vendors that do not do the right thing by their customers, being more interested in the money they will make than in the best outcome for their customers. Whilst these unscrupulous technology vendors are thankfully in the minority, they can cause major headaches for small business owners. Read more...

Sonya Weiser    14 October 2021

best practice,procurement,success

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